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20 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt

“The only thing that is constant is change” ― Heraclitus A blockchain is a public ledger of transactions, which keeps a record of each transaction that occurs across a peer-to-peer network. The blockchain is the underlying technology behind Bitcoin, and its potential to do away with intermediaries has led many to believe that this will change […]

Bybit Review – Explanation, Pros and Cons, Fees, Trading Tips, Safety

It’s never been so easy to trade cryptocurrencies and make money without investing your own funds. With Bybit, you can trade up to 22 cryptocurrency trading pairs with just 0.05 trading units at a time. You’ll also enjoy lightning-fast execution speeds which carry no additional fees like those charged by major exchanges or forex brokers. […]

How to learn Blockchain Coding

How to learn Blockchain Coding

Blockchain can be used for virtually anything where trust in a central authority may be an issue, such as voting records or land titles. But what’s all this about coding? Why would you want to learn how to code blockchain? Here are four reasons why it can help your career: 1) It makes you a […]

The three Concepts used to explain the Foundation of Blockchain are…

Distributed Network Cryptography Public Ledger Distributed Network A distributed ledger is a database that is shared across and managed by many different institutions or entities. A distributed ledger might be maintained by multiple, independent parties who do not need to trust each other, because the area of trust has become much larger. The blockchain is […]

Elrond Coin (eGLD) Review: The Next BEST Smart Contract Blockchain?

Elrond is an innovative blockchain platform for the next-generation of decentralized applications, services and protocols. Elrond is a POS-based Ethereum side chain to provide faster and more cost-efficient transactions. Its foundation on an energy efficient Proof of Stake (POS) consensus mechanism achieves true decentralization without large mining rigs or burning too much electricity. It also […]

Klaytn – Explanation, Pros- and Cons, Buying Guide and Wallets

You might not have heard of Klaytn. It’s the new cryptocurrency platform being developed by Kakao, the giant South Korean internet conglomerate best known for KakaoTalk, KakaoPay, and KakaoTaxi. So what is this crypto? Unlike other coins which were created to serve a particular purpose (e.g. Ripple, DASH, IOTA), Klaytn is a “territorial coin” – […]

Best Dogecoin Wallets in 2021 (top 9 options) – Which is the safest?

It’s the meme-inspired cryptocurrency everyone is talking about. Seriously, dogecoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies and there are tons of wallets in which you can store them. Keep reading to find out more about some of the best ones! The Dogecoin wallet is a free, open-source program that syncs quickly with your blockchain […]

11 Benefits of Blockchain technology and how it is Changing the World for the Better

The internet is buzzing with thoughts and opinions on what blockchain is, how it’s going to transform the world, and what it means for you. So much so that in December 2017 the word “blockchain” featured in nearly one-third of all Techmeme headlines. But before we dive into how blockchain will change things—and could change […]

Dogecoin Mining: How to Mine Dogecoin – Beginners Guide

Dogecoin is a digital currency like Bitcoin. You don’t have to be a super computer genius or spend thousands of dollars on the necessary hardware in order to participate in mining Dogecoins! Mining for Dogecoins works just like mining for Bitcoins: you’ll need an account on a cryptocurrency mining pool, and the proper software installed […]